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You will use the content in your e-zine to get your MWR. It s fine to give lots of
information. But use that information to PREsell. Give your visitor a reason to
click on a link back to your site or directly to one of your affiliates.
The WIN-WIN provides information for your visitor and income for you.
8.2.1. Build a Sales Page For Your E-Zine
How good of you to provide a free e-zine! But will your visitors subscribe?...
It s free but& you still need to sell the idea that another piece of e-mail is a good
idea. After all, your visitor is going to give up her e-mail address and the time it
takes to read what you send.
While she s on your site, she needs to feel that continued contact with you will be
worth her while. So you will&
" stress the benefits of your particular newsletter
" add a clear  call to action
" finish with a subscription form
Make sure the benefits are clear. Add a testimonial. Link to back issues. (Some
Web masters write an issue or two no one else receives so they will have back
issues. Visitors can see what they will get.)
Stress that your e-zine is free.
Add a professional look with a great cover like those at
Killer Covers.com
Then tell her exactly what to do& Subscribe!
Affiliate Masters Course
SBI! back-issues each issue of your e-zine and submits it to the Search
Engines (once only). You can either include a link on your site to your
back issues to show off the quality you deliver, or you can reserve back
issues for your subscribers viewing only. It s your call.
8.2.2. Develop A Format Template&
And Stay With It!
Readers like familiarity and predictability& so develop a template, and stick
with it. Make only minor, incremental changes every now and then, saving your
last issue as the template for the next one. From top to bottom, here s a quick
list of things to address in your format...
1) Name your e-zine -- you want your subscriber to smile in recollection when
she sees it. Make the name short, memorable, descriptive, and relevant.
2) Subject, including Issue Number and Date
3) Small logo
4) First text block -- start off your e-zine with a catchy benefit-oriented slogan. For
example, under your Cactus Gardening logo, you might type into your first text
 Prickly Issues, Creative Solutions
5) After that, experiment with a combination of text blocks, line breaks and divider
lines, so that you can deliver the following  starting information ...
i) Valuable PREselling Proposition -- stress the key points of your e-zine.
ii) A promo pass-along -- add something like this...
If you like this e-zine, please do a friend
and me a big favor and  pay it forward.
If a friend DID forward this to you and if
you like what you read, please subscribe by
(Then add a link to your page that promotes your opt-in newsletter.)
6) Issue number and Date (you did it in the subject, now repeat it in the body)
Affiliate Masters Course
7) Table of Contents -- show your reader what you re covering in this issue.
Provide tantalizing  read me headlines in your TOC.
8) From this point, experiment with&
" headline blocks to start each section
" dividers
" line breaks
9) Then the content!
10) You might want to add one more text block before the closing information
(unsubscribe, etc. -- details a bit later) for your readers. This text block could
include anything, for example...
Comments? Ideas? Feedback?
I d love to hear from you.
Just reply to this e-zine
and tell me what you think!
11) Closing information. You need to give readers a chance to unsubscribe, etc.
Make sure to save all this as a template for future e-zines (more on this below),
so you don t have to do it all over again.
From a building block approach to setting up a template, to creating a
subscription form, to automating the mailing list, to tracking statistics like
open rates, SBI! s MailOut Manager does it all.
8.2.3. Set Up Your Subscription
You ve already created a form for subscribers on your sales page. You may opt
to include this form on other pages, or at the least include a link from other TIER
2 or TIER 3 pages to your sales page. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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