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Her body stilled against him. She lifted her eyes to his and found warm, dark secrets in them.
He bent and lifted her into his arms. "You'll still have to work," he said as he carried her to the bed. "I
make good money, but we'll have a better life-style with two salaries. Besides that, you need to be
self-supporting. We can find a good day-care center, one that we both feel comfortable with, and I'll
learn to do diapers and feed him.. .unless you want to?" he added with a wickedly sensuous smile as
his eyes dropped to her breasts.
She shivered with the force of her feelings. "Oh, yes, I'd like...to," she moaned. "Lang, I love you so
much," she sobbed. "More than my life...!"
He eased over her and pressed her gently down into the mattress. His mouth covered hers and his
hands found fastenings and revealed the soft bareness of her body to his mouth and his hands and his
"I love you," he whispered back. "It was the thought of a family that unsettled me. I didn't even know
why, until you made me realize how badly my childhood had scarred me. But I think I can come to
terms with it. The one thing I can't do is walk away from you twice in one lifetime. So we'll just have
to cope.
"We will. I know we will." Her heart was in her eyes as she looked up at him. "Lang?"
"Hmm?" he murmured against her throat.
"Could you take your clothes off?"
He chuckled. "I guess so. Want to watch?"
Her breath caught. "Yes " she whispered, her eyes wide and ardent.
He laughed unsteadily as he stood and pulled off everything that concealed his powerful body from
her. When he turned back to the bed, she shivered a little in anticipation, because she knew now what
pleasure he could give her.
He slid down beside her, his eyes warm and alive with the joy ot what they were sharing. "We can use
something, if you want to.
She pulled him down with loving arms. "You're so certain that I can't be a wife and a mother at the
same time, aren't you?" she asked gently. "Why don't you let me show you?"
"Darlin'," he whispered as he covered her open mouth with his, "I'd love nothing better!"
She opened her arms to him as his body moved down to press against hers. For endless minutes, they
lost themselves in the soft caresses that led to the urgent, slow, sweet rhythm of love. There was a new
tenderness in the expression of it, but the passion was just as familiar as the upswing of frenetic
pleasure that left them shuddering in its exquisite aftermath.
"My God," he groaned into her mouth as his full weight descended on her. "Am I dreaming?"
"I hope not," she whispered, shaken. Her legs tangled in his and she pressed her face into his damp
throat. "The world trembled, didn't it?"
He laughed. "And a few other things," he murmured dryly.
"I love the way you love me," she whispered. "I love you."
"Show me again," he said against her mouth, and his hips shifted slowly against hers. "Make me crv
"But can you?" she asked uncertainly.
He moved sharply and chuckled at her wide-eyed wonder. "Let's see," he murmured, and pushed
It was three hours later when they arrived at Bob and Connie's house.
"We were getting worried," Bob said as they climbed out of die car in his driveway. "Kirry, are you
all right?"
"Oh, I'm fine,"she assured him with a smile."I'm a little sore, but that's normal."
"She laid Erikson out," Lang added with pride, glad that his brother couldn't see the flush on his high
cheekbones. "I appreciate your letting us come down."
"What are family for? Connie, they're here!"
Connie came out, in a dress, looking subdued and so feminine that Lang actually leaned forward for a
closer look. "Connie?" he asked, shocked.
She glared at him. "Yes, it's me, can't you recognize me when I'm not covered in grease?" she asked
He grinned. "Well, come to think of it, no," he teased.
She had her arms tight over her breasts and she wasn't looking at Bob. She moved them to hug Kirry.
"Are you all right, honey?" she asked, concerned.
"I'm fine," Kirry said, smiling helplessly at Lang. "We're engaged," she told them.
"You've already told us, don't you remember?" Connie asked gently.
They hadn't known about the engagement being broken. Kirry and Lang exchanged glances and
"No use expecting any sense out of you two." Bob chuckled. "Come on in. Mikey's gone to bed. We'll
have some coffee and cake."
"My cake, not hers," Connie said sharply to Bob, who looked uncomfortable. "I just baked it. I can
cook." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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